Sunday, July 24, 2016

Day 44 - Travel to Idaho

Saturday, July 23, 2016
Posted from: Osburn, ID - Blue Anchor RV Park
Miles driven: 414
Total trip miles: 7,457

We enjoyed our last morning at our Tumwater campground. The kids wanted to play one last time at the "antique" playground. Adults would refer to this as their normal childhood playground: teeter totters, metal slides (wax paper anyone?),  merry go rounds, etc. 

Sadly, living in Bubble Wrap City, USA has meant that this may have been the first time my kids have ever been on a teeter totter. Livin' on the edge, indeed.

The drive through Washington state was very scenic. We started out in mountains and ended in grasslands.

We finally reached Idaho. We will stay at a campground here tonight.

I have not spent much time in the lower part of Idaho, but I can say that the upper part is georgeous. I rarely hear of people taking vacations to Idaho, but it seems much cheaper than the surrounding states and just as scenic. 

After today's long drive, again, no one wanted to cook. We found a brewery and restaurant in the town five miles away and enjoyed a night out. 

As a side note, I realized today that I have been with this guy for longer than I've been without him. I had a big smile the rest of the day. But you just can't take some people out in matter how much you love them.

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