Saturday, July 23, 2016

Day 43 - More time with family

Friday, July 22, 2016
Posted from: Tumwater, WA
Miles driven: 12
Total trip miles: 7,043

Today is my last day of work and our last chance to go to Mt Rainier. Unfortunately, it is very overcast, and no part of the mountain is visible. It is hard to convince yourself (and family) that you should drive over two hours to see a mountain that isn't visible. 

This means that we won't be visiting the Mt Rainier National Park on this trip. When we decided to change campgrounds two hours south, we took Noth Cacades National Park off of the list (it became four hours away instead of two hours). We all decided we were okay with these decisions. 

Another day began full of games and relaxing while Mom finished up work.

Munchkin Loot Letter has become a favorite game on this trip. 

The campground had a huge chair. We had planned to take a picture of all seven of us in the chair, but somehow we managed to miss the opportunity.

Since we would not be driving to the national park, we looked for something else to do. Tumwater Falls was seven minutes from the campground and had good reviews, so we left to explore. 

It was pretty.

The boys on the bridge taking a picture of the girls. 

The water had carved little round pockets in the rocks.

We took our time walking on the trail along the river. It was very peaceful. 

The Olympia Brewery operated along this trail by the river since the late 1800's. Unfortunately, it closed in 2003. The old buildings are still there looking abandoned and creepy. 

This was a fountain donated to the park by the employees of the brewery. Interesting.

We made it back to the campground in time for Grandpa and the kids to hop on the hay rack ride. 

Who says a grandpa can't rock the selfie? Nailed it.

It was Friday night, so according to tradition, we have pizza with Matt's parents. Tonight just happened to be the only night on the whole trip that they bothered to show up. ;)

I have no idea what these boys are up to, but they look guilty.


Finally, it was time to say good bye to Grandma and Grandpa. Our camper was a little quiet after they left. They will be missed. It must be time to move on to a new place and new adventures! 

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