Sunday, July 10, 2016

Day 30 - A cruise through Napa Valley

Saturday, July 9, 2016
Posted from: Petaluma, CA 
Miles driven: 254
Total trip miles: 5,175

Today we had to leave Yosemite. We were a bit sad (okay, Mom was the most sad), but excited to see San Francisco.  

We took Highway 120 out of Yosemite. Matt could tell you a few things about this road. Mostly that it is curvy and downhill.

We then switched over to Highway 12. This highway had beautiful scenery, but is apparently known for being an awful road. We were told by locals that the local government took a survey and asked what was more important: security or roads. Roads lost. 

I will note that the roads vastly improved when we got into Napa county. Hmmm... 

We drove over some draw bridges, but no boats were going through any of them. 

We felt like we were back home while driving by the wind farms and amber waves of grain. 

Lots of vineyards as we drove right through the heart of Napa Valley. 

We made it 30 days and drove on some pretty bad roads before we came to one that was bad enough to cause all of the clothes hanging in the closet to fall down. These roads were bad. (And yes, there is more plaid than any closet should hold in this poor thing.)

Apparently there was only one small section of the picnic table bench worthy of their butts. And poor Cameron sat on it first.

We went out to dinner tonight at a brewery in Petaluma. It was nice to not cook after a long day of driving. The food was very good. We even had warm apple crisp for desert. Yum!

I took a picture of this flower garden at the campground because it was the first one I have seen that reminds me of a typical annual flower bed back home. It made me smile to see something familiar.

After dinner, Matt sat around the campfire while the kids and I watched an outdoor movie. Metilda was the movie showing tonight. It is a cute one. 

The pool was calm and pretty without all of the crazies splashing around. 

We are excited to see the Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow! 

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