Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Day 40 - Meeting up with family!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Posted from: Tumwater, WA - American Heritage Campground 
Miles driven: 181
Total miles driven: 6,832

We had a different kind of motivation to get up and get on the road today. We were leaving Forks, WA and driving to the Olympia, WA area. Waiting for us in Olympia are Matt's parents, Arnie and Colleen. They had flown out here for a vacation and to spend a few days with us! The kids could not wait to see Grandma and Grandpa! 

Thankfully it was a short three hour drive to our campground. We had switched campgrounds to a place within 8 miles of their hotel. We originally reserved a campground that would have been two hours from their hotel on the north side of Seattle. The new campground was really nice, and the people that ran it were even nicer!

We arrived and sent a message to Grandma and Grandpa to let them know we were there. They arrived 15 minutes later. They had planned to beat us there and surprise us. They had made a welcome poster and everything! :)

The kids could not have been more excited. The boys immediately began playing Legos with Grandpa. Grace and Grandma enjoyed some girl chat. 

We got out the hammock. Our site was a double site, so we had plenty of room to spread out and enjoy. 

Once again, Matt expertly backed the camper between two tight trees. It had to be in the perfect spot for all of the slide outs and outdoor kitchen to open. 

Perfect spot!

We made stew for dinner. The rest of the night was chatting and sitting around the fire. It was so nice to have family around and to see familiar faces. We haven't really talked to anyone from back home since we left. We have been so busy and the time difference makes it too late at night when we settle down. 

This photo is courtesy of Arnie, who snapped this picture while on a walk around the campground. It was a beautiful evening in so many ways.

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