Friday, July 8, 2016

Day 28 - Half way point...and more Yosemite

Thursday, July 7, 2016
Posted from: Buck Meadows, CA - Yosemite Ridge Resort
Miles driven: 131
Total trip miles: 4,846

Our second day in Yosemite began with retracing our long path into the park and down to the valley. We then turned and headed back out of the valley towards Glacier Point. We decided this day would be more driving than hiking as Grace's ankle was still sore and a little swollen. 

We took a quick detour to stop and walk to the bottom of Bridalveil Falls. 

In this picture, there is a tree at the top of this cliff and the sunlight was hitting it in a way that made it look like a delicate snowflake. It only lasted for a few seconds, so thank goodness Matt was quick with the camera. 

Bridalveil Falls

 The drive to Glacier Point took about two hours from our campground and was quite curvy for the last mile or two (which is why they restrict vehicle length). 

Glacier Point was beautiful. Half dome is the very distinct rock on the left side, while Nevada Falls is the waterfall on the right side. This was the waterfall we saw on our hike yesterday. 

Grace is giving a little assistance to Half Dome.

And here she is catching a quick drink from the falls. (Vacations bring out the cheesy humor in all of us.)

We walked over to the overlook where you could see both Nevada and Vernal Falls. Vernal Falls was the one we hiked to the top of on Mist Trail yesterday. I drew a line that (sort of) shows the hike, even though it actually looks like a small child tried to draw a hand...or maybe a rooster head looking up...truly, this game could go on forever. 

Looking straight down to the valley floor. The river that flows through it is calm and beautiful. They don't mind if you jump in to cool off. There are also rafts you can rent to float three miles. That sounded fun, but it isn't cheap. Maybe tomorrow. 

We then had a right-place-at-the-right-time moment. A volunteer ranger showed up with giant binoculars and an interesting apparatus to put them on. He sets up and allows people to look through the binoculars at the hikers on Half Dome. The stand was something he invented so that the height could adjust to any person tall or short or even in a wheel chair. 

He had a poster that provides information on hiking Half Dome. He has done it several times as recent as two weeks ago and had a lot of great tips. He also occasionally sets up to take pictures of people once they make it to the top from this vantage point with his binoculars. Matt decided he wants to do this for his 40th, so he gave us his card. Nice!

And yes, the people in the tall right side picture are walking up the side of a rock using a cable. Awesome!

Caleb talked us into ice cream. Again. The kid has a one track mind.

The valley from Tunnel View. 

We drove back down to the valley and relaxed for 45 minutes while waiting for a ranger program. After the program the kids were ready to become Junior Rangers. 

After another long day at Yosemite, we cooked a really yummy dinner and relaxed. 

This is my cooking station today as I made my white wine reduction for a creamy pasta sauce. 

We might be camping, but the doesn't mean we can't eat well. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Yosemite! Tell Matt that I want to go with him on the Half Dome Hike for his 40th!
