Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 29 - The Sights and Sounds of the Midwest

Thursday, June 28, 2018
Posted from: Kamp Komfort - Carlock, Illinois
Miles driven: 420
Total trip miles: 4,819

A couple hours into today’s trip, we were suddenly very much in the Midwest. We saw the first corn field, the first Casey’s sign, and a Ruan Transport semi within 20 minutes of each other.

Caleb slept the first two hours of the day. Nothing could wake him up. 

Other than the excitement of being back in the Midwest, today was relatively uneventful. 

We arrived at the campground (we have not had advance reservations for the past week, so we are never exactly sure where we will be staying. 

This one was a really nice and simple interstate campground. Great for an overnight stop. There were only two things worth commenting on. 

1) The pool equipment had broken down two days prior, so they had to shock it yesterday which made the water look funny. But today was the hottest day of the vacation so far, so we all swam anyway. 

2) This is an interstate campground, so it is understood that there will be interstate noise. Today however was special. There was serious road construction going on directly on the other side of the bush hedge from our campsite. I’m talking jackhammers, heavy trucks, concrete cutters, and anything else they could think of that might make noise. Standing outside our camper about 10 feet from each other, we were yelling and still could not hear each other. It was insane. But I figured, their day would end by 4:00 or 5:00. I figured wrong. They did stop at some point before we went to bed, so that was good. It was actually surprising how quick I got used to the noise. 

And then the train went through. Like I was pretty sure it went through the campground. Horn blaring the whole time. Loud like nothing I’ve heard. 

Observe the map below. Camping is so freaking peaceful. 

We are the red circle; Construction is the yellow circle; Freight train is the green arrow. Yippee!
Not sure why we all piled on the couch, but Dad had the camera handy to take a picture.

After a salad dinner (to use up produce, cheese, eggs, and meat) and prepping the camper for our final short day of travel tomorrow, we relaxed and watched the last half of the last Harry Potter movie. Good news: the evil people lose; the good people win. 

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