Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Day 19 - Beach Day!

Monday, June 18, 2018
Posted from: Normandy Farms Family Campground - Boston, Mass.
Miles Driven: 136
Total Miles: 2,674

I loved today. We all did.

We didn’t go to a city. We didn’t travel over 200 miles. We didn’t even eat a lunch meat sandwich.

The forecast showed Boston at 98 degrees today with a heat advisory. That was not how we wanted to experience the city. We walked over to the campground store/registration building last night and talked with the nicest lady named Maddy. We told her our dilemma. Without hesitation she said she knew exactly what we should do! She started pulling out maps and informational packets she had typed up and printed off. She told us that a day at the beach with a possible stop in Providence, RI was exactly what we needed to do. We agreed it sounded perfect. She recommended the restaurant, beach, ice cream shop, and stores.

Who are we to argue?! We followed her recommendations almost exactly, and it was perfect. Thanks Maddy!!

This restaurant was just right for us. Seafood that is 2-3 hours fresh is not something we get in Iowa. You order at the window and sit at a bench or picnic table on the second floor deck. Swimsuits welcome. (And they have non-seafood items for Caleb who does not eat seafood.)

A note about the weather. It was 98 in Boston, but here on the beach, it barely reached 70. In the warm sand and sun, it was cool but perfect.

It didn’t take Caleb 30 seconds to begin digging a hole.

It didn’t take Grace 30 seconds to start burying Cameron.

But she upped her game and managed to put Caleb in a deep hole and bury him too.

The boys were pretending to be dead. A bit morbid perhaps, but they seemed happy.

Caleb’s turn to be buried laying down.

Cameron’s turn in the deep hole. Watching him get out of this hole was priceless. Matt and I were crying. He was making funny noises and saying things like, "It’s coming!" And "Almost out!"

Volcano Cameron:

The water was cold but calm at this protected beach.

And finally it was time to follow Mandy’s recommendation for ice cream. She actually said this place had an amazing bakery, but it is closed on Mondays.

We came back to the camper and made soup for dinner. After dinner we went for a walk and it began to sprinkle and then rain, so we turned the sofa and table into beds, popped popcorn and watched a movie.

We loved this day.

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