Monday, June 11, 2018

Day 11 - Arlington National Cemetery

Sunday, June 10, 2018
Posted From: Cherry Hill Park Campground - College Hill, MD
Miles driven: 9
Total miles: 1729

Again it looked like it was going to rain all day... and again we didn’t see a drop. Perfect! 

We planned to visit Arlington National Cemetery today. We rode a bus to the cemetery and then took the trolly tour inside the cemetery. I’m glad we did as we likely wouldn’t have seen as much if we walked like many people chose to do. 

Caleb and Mom on the bus! Caleb had to sit on Mom’s lap a couple times so a passenger could get on. Twice they needed just one more seat to fit everyone on so no one had to wait for the next bus. Caleb doesn’t like sitting on laps but he was a good sport. 

It was a nice cooler 75 degree day. The open windows felt great. 

Supreme Court

Jefferson Memorial


The eternal flame at JFK’s grave. 


The kids were fascinated by the Changing of the Guard. We all were. 

The code that the tomb guards follow is impressive. It really is a life long commitment. 

This statue is massive. 

Matt noticed several older graves being swallowed by trees. 

Today happened to also be the Gay Pride Parade in D.C. Our Metro station was the main stop so the train was very full coming into town. 

Everyone found creative ways to wear rainbows. 

We walked to restaurant row on 7th and found a family style Italian restaurant. The food was fantastic and we had a great time. 

It was finally time to head back to the campground, but first we stopped to get cupcakes! 

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