Sunday, June 3, 2018

Day 3 - Mammoth Cave National Park

Saturday, June 2, 2018
Posted from: Rock Creek Cabin Campground - Cave City, KY
Miles Driven: 12
Total Miles: 715

We dug deep and brought out our inner Batman today. As we entered the Bat Cave, we tried to be confident, brave, intimidating, and think heroic thoughts. But mostly we were laughing hysterically because Mom got unexpectedly dumped on by a waterfall on our way into the cave. A nice cold water shower dripping down your face and back is exactly what you want before you walk into a 54 degree cave for two hours. After a few minutes it wasn’t too bad, but I worked the sympathy card for a little while.

We had pre-purchased tickets online for the 10:00 am Historic Tour. This is a two hour tour that takes you through some of the biggest rooms in the cave, smallest passages, deepest holes, and tallest tower staircase. It was so cool! (54 degrees cool to be precise.)

BUT FIRST! The beloved pictures of us in front of a national park sign. If you recall from our adventure two years ago, I am not a big fan of jumping through this vacation hoop. But I am glad that I have the pictures at the end of the vacation.

The beginning of the tour involved walking down several steps into one of the natural entrances of the cave.

This fun little path is known as Fat Man's Misery. It was a bit tight and wound along for quite some time. We had to duck (well, everyone but Caleb) at several points on the tour. For as big as this cave is, it also has its tight spots. 

Grace needed me to take this picture. BAND!
This writing was burned into the cave walls over 150 years ago (when it was allowed and you could pay to have it done). I guess band was cool back then too. ;-)

There is light at the end of the tunnel.
After our tour, we enjoyed our picnic lunch under a shade tree on the lawn by the visitor center. It was a hot day, but there was a nice breeze under this tree. 

The kids worked on their Jr. Ranger booklets. Thankfully for our 13 and 15 year olds, the program at this park only requires that you are a minor. 

Caleb had a little fly buddy (on his pencil hand) that walked around and pretty much stayed there the whole time Caleb worked on his booklet. 

Though she fit through the hole with plenty of space, once she was on the other side of this little tunnel, she was too long to climb out on her feet, so she had to go face first. Growing up is hard. 

Cameron diced the boiled eggs for our salads.

Caleb used our little mini camper rolling pin to crush the crackers to go on top of the salads.
Game night! Grace won.

Calvin & Hobbes are at it again.

Grace is on her second book already. I'm not sure she even knows we left Ankeny. 

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