Friday, June 8, 2018

Day 8 - The Longest Travel Day of the Trip

Thursday, June 7, 2018
Posted From: Cherry Hill Park Campground - College Hill, MD
Miles driven: 497
Total miles: 1711

What can be said about a travel day? We drove almost 500 miles today. I expected it to fell much longer, but it actually felt shorter. We had prepared last night, so all we had to do was wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, and go! We pulled out of Imagination Mountain at 6:20 am and arrived at Cherry Hill Park Campground just north of DC by 2:30 pm. Other than a little traffic in DC, it was a smooth trip.

At our first fuel stop, Caleb and Cameron when into the station to use the restroom. Caleb came out and said, "Mom, there was a guy in the sitting part of the bathroom while we were in there." Both Matt and I were like, "Uh, okay." I'm not an expert on men's rooms, but I assume the "sitting part" is occasionally used. But then he and Cameron both say, "But the lights were off when we walked in. He was sitting in the dark!" ...processing...processing...(thought a few scary thoughts)...Matt: "Were they automatic lights?" Caleb: "Yeah, there wasn't a switch." Matt: "I guess he's been in there a good long while." Laughter ensued.

A few minutes later, Caleb found a broken peanut M&M that he thought looked like a baby wrapped in blankets. I was told I needed to take a

Traffic in D.C.

We finally arrived at the campground. Matt and the kids went swimming while I made homemade pizzas. Mmm...

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