Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 4 - Relax a little

Posted from: Estes Park, CO
Miles driven: 38
Total Trip Miles: 827

Weather: Sunny; no rainy; oh wait it's sunny; oh shoot it's raining; look at the sun!; oh darn where is my rain jacket?

The weather could not make up its mind today, and we were very glad we didn't try to make the trek to the highest point. A storm would roll through followed by strong sunshine...wash, rinse, repeat. There were times we could not see the mountains due to the dark stormy clouds. 

We headed out for a 10:30 ranger program about long horned sheep. It was really interesting. There was a ranger who led the program and two volunteers. They sit at this station all day long watching for the sheep to come down out of the mountains. If they do (30-40% of the days), they block traffic and do whatever they can to make them feel safe so they can get to the pools of mud that contain minerals they need. 

After the program, storms were moving in so we stopped to pick up a couple groceries and headed back to the campground. The rest of the day went something like this:

- We ate lunch
- A storm blew through
- We went swimming
- And stopped when a storm blew through
- The kids went to the playground
- A storm
- We went mini golfing
- We ate a great dinner (steak, veggies)
- We had to put the awning out while we ate to accommodate a storm
- The kids did dishes and a double rainbow came out ( I figured this was a sign from God that we were good parents for having the kids do the dishes each day)
- We sat around the fire
- Until a longer storm moved through...It was now after 8, so we gave up, took showers, and went to bed. 

And the kids made a new friend that they tried to spend every moment of the afternoon with. Making friends at campgrounds was one of my favorite things about camping. That just doesn't seem to happen when you stay in a hotel.

Tomorrow promises to be much dryer... So onward and upward to the top!!!

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