Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 19 - The USS Iowa

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Posted from: Long Beach, CA
Miles driven: 56
Total trip miles: 3,520

Today started out a lot like yesterday. Mom was up early to work, while Matt and the kids caught up on sleep. 

Fresh squeezed orange juice was delivered to my desk. (I'm getting used to this.)

But then Matt suggested to the kids that they go tour the USS Iowa. It was very close and if you show an Iowa drivers license, you get on the boat for free! I would have liked to go, but needed to work and didn't want them to sit around and wait for me, so they took off. 

On the way to the USS Iowa they saw the ports with the big cranes and big ships. They were amazed at the genius thinking it must have taken to build the logistics involved in a process like this. They all recommended that, if you haven't watched this process, you should stop and take the time to watch if you are ever close enough. Cameron and Caleb imagined that there were lots of crates with our name on them full of Legos. It would be delivered to our house so we could rebuild it out of Legos. They also discussed that their stuffed animals probably floated over on these ships. 

They finally arrived at the USS Iowa. When they boarded, they were handed an activity sheet with instructions to find pictures of Vicky, the dog. Vicky was owned by one of the captains of the ship. He brought her aboard because his wife told him he had to take the dog with him when he sailed or it wouldn't be at home when he got back. 

They also learned that the ship is so deep and heavy that it doesn't move when all guns are fired. It flattens the water instead. It is apparently quite impressive. (There are YouTube videos of this that are well worth watching.)

Each of the kids got to hold an anti-air ammunition shell used for shooting planes that would attempt to attack the ship. 

In 1989 the canon blew up and 47 people were killed. Shortly after this, it was docked at this port and turned into a museum, though it was fully repaired and updated after the explosion. Most of the funding to repair the ship and get it in working order came from individual contributors from Iowa. (Maybe that's why we get to board for free!)

After the ship, they met up with Dave and went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch. It was taco Tuesday after all! 

This is a picture of Caleb holding a giant chip. 

After tacos, Dave recommended they try out a new cookies and ice cream place called Monster. They enjoyed cookies and ice cream. (Let the record show that they didn't bring Mom any. This is noted in the mom-logbook and will be brought up on an as needed basis when mom needs them to do something for her.)

That evening we left the kids with little 2 1/2 year old Parker and his dad, Matt, while we went to dinner with another friend of ours, Damien, from Iowa who lived in the area. (I think we all know who was in charge of this crew...the two year old.)

Parker was so thrilled to have kids to play baseball with him.

They also watched baseball on TV during breaks in the game. 

Damien took us to a place called Parker's Lighthouse. It was right on the water and so beautiful. Matt and I were hoping to spend at least one evening near the water while we were here, and this was perfect. We had fun catching up with a good friend we haven't seen in awhile, we enjoyed a nice bottle of wine he brought, and we enjoyed a great view.

Evenings like this don't happen every day. 

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