Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 18 - Relax and play ball!

Monday, June 27, 2016
Posted from: Long Beach, CA
Miles driven: 24
Total trip miles: 3,464

At this point we have been on the road for over two weeks, so it felt really great to do a whole lot of not much today. 

I got up early to begin my work day. I have a few days while on the road where I will be working full days. The idea of these days was to give me a chance to check in at work, give Matt a break from driving, and give the kids a break from the busyness of travel. I am working my normal Central time zone hours, so it gives me time in the afternoon and evening to spend time with Matt and the kids and our friends. 

The kids slept in a bit then got up and decided it would be fun to make orange juice with all of the oranges in the tree. So they began picking and squeezing. It was really really good orange juice! 

They also made lemonade later in the day with the gigantic lemon Caleb picked.

We also did some laundry, and took our first non-camping showers... You know, the kind in a real house with real plumbing. No 5 minute timer, no flip flops while showering, no line of strangers outside the door waiting. So amazing. 

We made use of the pool...a lot! It started at 3ft and went to 10ft. The older kids loved diving in the deep end for rings. 

Our friends suggested we go to an Angels game. The tickets were inexpensive and it wasn't far away, so we all headed to the stadium. We were way up in the stands, but who cares?! It was a good time.

Here is the whole crew. Little Parker knows more about baseball than most people in the stands...just sayin'. You could see our family coming from a mile away... We were the only ones not wearing red. #outoftowners 

This was the kids' first Major League Baseball game. (They aren't as cheap back home!) They thought it was cool to watch the wave go all the way around the stadium again and again. And again. 

The guys (Matt and Matt) enjoyed paying $14 for a beer. (Us ladies were much too sensible for that...actually we just helped them drink theirs.) 

Grace, Parker and Cameron laughing at something silly. 

On the way home we stopped to fill up. Let's just say California fuel prices literally snuck up on us. You can sort of see the $2.80 diesel price hiding in the grass down there. Nice. Before this trip, we had plans to help pay for the kids' college education. That plan may be in jeopardy. 

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