Sunday, June 12, 2016

Day 3 - Exactly why we came

Posted from: Estes Park, CO
Miles driven: 41 (We are back on speaking terms with the truck.)
Total Trip Miles: 789
Miles hiked: 2.5

Well this is it. This was what we pictured. This is exactly why we came. 

We relaxed a bit in the morning and Matt made pancakes. I don't know if it is the altitude or what, but they were the best pancakes. Ever. In the history of ever. Apparently certain articles of clothing were optional at today's breakfast table. 

We then took Highway 36 into Rocky Mountain National Park. On the way, we stopped to get a picture as we drove into Estes Park.

We drove to Bear Lake and fortunately found a parking spot. This where we ate lunch. Wow. 

Then we saw snow. Caleb was amazed that it was summer and warm and he was wearing a Tshirt while holding snow. 

Then the camera man got serious... Or passed out. It was actually hard to tell which. 

But we got some great pictures.

We walked around Bear Lake and had lunch. Then walked to Alberta Falls. 

Why take the bridge when there are perfectly good rocks?

All in all, the day was a success. Though Cameron seems to really be struggling with the high altitude. We will likely change our plans for tomorrow and relax a bit more. The climb we were planning is probably not a good idea at this point. We might try on Tuesday. This trip is about having a good time. It isn't about sticking to an agenda no matter what. And besides, the campground has mini golf... With an amazing view of the mountains. How can we go wrong?!

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