Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 54 - Badlands National Park and HOME!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Posted from: HOME!
Miles driven: 703 miles
Total trip miles: 10,282 miles

Our last day. It is hard to believe. No one wants this trip to end...Actually, truth be told, now that we are at the end everyone is excited to be home to see family and friends and sleep in our own beds. 

We didn't have time to stop and get this picture earlier, so we waited until we were pulling a 30 foot trailer before we pulled of on the side of the road to get the shot. We do like to make things easy for ourselves! 

I'm not sure we had driven 20 miles before we saw a Wall Drug sign. Welcome to I90!

Here we are at our final park of the trip, Badlands National Park. Our plan is to drive through the park and get back on the interstate to head home. 

The goats tried to slow us down a bit.

It was a lovely sunny morning! No one could keep their eyes open for this picture...Though come to think of it, it could also be because we woke up at 4:30 AM to get on the road.

The park was so much greener that we remembered it. By the way, Matt is holding Caleb in all of these pictures because he doesn't have any shoes on.

The visitor center was open by the time we got there. We planned to just spend a couple of minutes there, but they had a archaeology center open where you could watch them actively dig fossils that were uncovered in the park.

We could barely drag Caleb away from this dinosaur head. I think he would have happily stood there all day.

On our last day, a few hours before home, we had officially traveled 10,000 miles on our trip.

Everyone cheered when we crossed over into Iowa. It was a beautiful site!

Matt's parents and my dad were our welcoming committee. Matt's parents made us some signs.

How true these are...

Matt's parents brought us dinner. We cannot say how nice it was to come home to this home cooked meal.

I walked around outside too look at the yard. A large weed that was allowed to grow as big as it wanted while we were gone.

We are finally home. It is still unbelievable, but very very nice. I will miss living in the camper. That might seem odd to some, but living in the camper was a simpler life. Traveling was also a simpler life. We were not running from one activity/volunteer engagement/meeting/etc to another. We rarely checked email. Our phones did not ring. We set our schedule each day as a family. We lived in close quarters, but had time to ourselves. We had to work together and get along to make it fun for everyone.

So though we are glad to be home, we will miss life on the road and the closeness we shared.

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