Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Day 1 - A Bumpy Ride…But We Can’t Stop!

Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Posted from: Woodyz Acres RV Park and Campground
Miles driven: 241
Total trip miles: 241

The title of this post should be interpreted very literally, but we will get to that…

The day started early for Mom at 3:30am to wrap up work deliverables with the intent of logging off at 4:00pm. (For those who don’t know, I am an early riser so this time was not completely out of line.) I was welcomed at my office door by this adorable remnant of Cameron’s graduation party. I read the post-it note to be a ransom note and assumed Grace and Caleb had kidnapped Cameron, and felt our trip was off to a good start. It was actually meant to be a positive note of encouragement: We got this! 

Matt and the kids spent the day finishing packing, mowing, and running errands.

At 4:00 we were all wrapping up and doing last minute things. The fridge didn’t want to switch over to gas when we unplugged from electricity, but thankfully that was a quick fix to take a minute to fill the gas lines by lighting the stove. Good to go. We pulled away from home at 4:30pm. Not bad. 

First full stop from highway speeds, Matt commented that the front brakes didn’t feel good. Cameron found the last time they were replaced in the maintenance log…5 years ago…umm. I mean the back brakes were done last year, so…credit for that! 

Anyway, the brakes weren’t great, but they were functional so we kept going, and there was only one time we almost couldn’t stop in time…kidding. I mean it’s true that we almost didn’t stop, but it was less about brakes and more about the oddly placed stop sign that no one saw until almost too late.

So, let’s talk about bumpy roads. We found some high quality roads that were exacerbated by the fact that we couldn’t recall whether we drop two or three links on the torsion bars on the camper hitch. This makes a pretty big difference in how the vehicle rides. Well guess what? The answer was NOT three. Three is bad. If we were bottles of soda, we would have exploded. So. Very. Bumpy. 

We found a small town church lot on the side of the highway to drop another link. Two was definitely the answer, but by now our brains are so shaken and scrambled it is unclear whether we will remember this. 

^The bars hanging down that you can see by Cameron’s knees are the torsion bars. Also in this picture, Caleb is plotting ways to get rid of Grace and Cameron so he can have the whole back seat to himself. 

We ate dinner (sack lunch style) on the way. Stopped for fuel on the regular, ‘cause for real, the truck is like that little kid that has to pee at every place just to check out the restrooms. It has never met a gas (diesel) station it didn’t like, and is hungry like a growing teenager. 

We arrived at the campground just after dark at 9:00pm. Not bad all things considered. 

They put us in the worlds longest campsite. It was so big it was a little hard to comprehend where it started and ended, especially in the dark. Anyway, pictures of that tomorrow because it is dark out. 

Overall the campground was very nice and we would stop again, but the showers were less than fantastic. Let’s just say that Matt and Caleb took a shower in the camper (unusual) and Cameron took a shower on the women’s side while Grace stood guard outside (it was late and we had yet to see another human since we arrived). 

That’s all for today! Tomorrow is a long travel day to Nashville and some “shady tree mechanic” activities, so better head to bed. 

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