Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Day 5 - The Great Smoky Mountain National Park

Monday, June 4, 2018
Posted from: Imagination Mountain Campground - Cosby, TN
Miles Driven: 46
Total Miles: 1036

Today was our first of three days in Smoky Mountain National Park. We don’t have ambitious plans for the day. We slept in after a late night of fun. We finally made it to the Sugarlands Visitor Center around 10:00 am.

The kids picked up Jr Ranger booklets and we did a scavenger hunt in the museum.

We then drove through the one lane motor nature "hike". This was a beautiful drive to view waterfalls, lots of flowers, and crazy people parking in insane places on the side of the road.

Finally we went back to the campground and enjoyed all of the fun things to do there.

Mom can take selfies too.

For the most part our motor "hike" looked like this, but at times we had to pull our side mirrors in flat to avoid hitting anyone or another vehicle.

Swimming at the campground was next on the agenda. If you ask Caleb, it was actually first on the agenda, but we clearly became confused and did our day in the wrong order. The kid is a fish!
I was a little concerned about this creepy grown man with a mini water gun...Hey, just because I married him doesn’t mean I can’t be concerned. Matt and the boys had a whole water gun fight/game going on. Grace was trying to stay clear or hide behind me since there was a firm no-spraying-mom rule in place. 

The boys are working on starting a mini fire. They ultimately tried to cook a mushroom over the fire. No one ate it. 

Today we cooked potato and ham soup for dinner. We all should have plenty of iron in our blood after two nights of cast iron cooking. 

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