Saturday, June 2, 2018

Day 2 - Long Travel Day

Friday, June 1, 2018
Posted from: Rock Creek Cabin Campground - Cave City, KY
Miles Traveled: 473
Total Trip Miles: 703

Travel day! Also known as, "How much longer?" Day, or "Where’s the next fuel stop?" Day.

Today was the second longest travel day of the trip. We left the campground around 8:00 am CT and arrived at our Mammoth Cave campground around 5:30 pm CT. That is a LOT of butts-in-seats time. BUT if we do a couple of these days, then we have more time to chill and explore.
The next three pictures sum up our day pretty well with very few words:

We finally arrived at the campground. To Matt’s credit, he actually booked several of the campgrounds on this trip. I didn’t even look at some of them…like this one. We pulled up and I tried to inconspicuously look up other campgrounds in the area. I’m not usually a judge-by-the-cover person, but this place looked a little rough and we only saw one other camper.

For the first time ever, I sent Matt in to register. He came out with the exceptionally friendly guy who runs the place, and they walked around to pick out our site. (Full hook up, believe it or not.) Behind the "cover" was actually a beautiful yard and a very peaceful setting…and a few more people camping. We ended up liking this place.

We parked, got set up, bought firewood, and got to work building a fire and making dinner. We made loaded rotini salad (lots of veggies, meat, and cheese) and potatoes over the fire.

Finally it was time to take showers and call it a night. Grace reported back that this place had some of the best campground showers she had ever used...and the girl is a bit of an expert.

When we are on vacation, Cameron reads Calvin and Hobbes to Caleb almost every night. Cam is really good at reading these comics aloud. He has the perfect voice for it. I try to position myself so that I can hear too.

Good night!

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