Monday, June 18, 2018

Day 18 - Father's Day...and a Bumpy Road Indeed

Sunday, June 17, 2018
Posted from: Normandy Farms Family Campground - Boston, Mass.
Miles Driven: 231
Total Miles: 2,538

It’s a travel day AND it’s Fathers Day. What to do? We had a leisurely morning because the trip to the Boston campground would be under four hours and they have a strict policy of not allowing campers to check in before 3:00 pm.

This gave Caleb a chance to play with his new buddy, Cash, for a bit longer. We had gotten to know his mom and Grandma a little too. Cash’s  Grandma had just bought a camper, so they were new to camping. Matt had helped them when their CO2 alarm went off. He also showed them a few other things about their camper.

This morning he saw them hooking up, so he wandered over to see if they had any questions. We thought we had remembered them saying it was only their second or third time doing it. He walked them through the process and they wrote down step by step instructions and took pictures so they knew what it should look like.

We both started out about the same time and ended up traveling together for the first part of the day. We even unknowingly stopped at the same test stop for lunch so the boys saw each other one more time, gave hugs, and we all got back on the road again. They were headed to Maine, so they had farther to travel today.

We hit some VERY bumpy roads today (I’m looking at you Connecticut). After the bumpy roads we enjoyed quite a bit of general traffic back up. I wasn’t expecting traffic here to be worse than New Jersey/New York, but so far: Yuck!

This day will be remembered as the day of the Great Flood of 2018. Two gallons of water spilled all over while we were going down the road. Cameron discovered it, "Good news, Mom. The carpet soaked up most of it." [groan]

Grace devised this drying method using canned goods and a fan. Nice!...except that we needed the sauerkraut for our brats tonight.

This campground (another one to Matt’s credit) was pretty amazing. It had four pools. Our site was beautiful.

After driving to a nearby Trader Joe’s to pick up a few groceries, we settled around the campfire for a simple brat dinner with homemade salsa.

A pretty nice ending to a busy Father’s Day.

As a final surprise for the day, we found all the clothes in the closet in a pile on the bottom of the closet with a few broken hangers. Yikes! On the other hand, I believe we payed less in tolls today than we have since we left Iowa, so maybe that is the difference.

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