Saturday, May 12, 2018

2018 Eastern Trip...Yup. We are doing it again.

As crazy as this sounds, we are planning another long vacation. Some of you may have followed our "once in a lifetime" 2016 trip out west. Maybe vacations are like childbirth...You only remember the good parts. Or maybe it really was great. Call it ignorance or call it bliss, but we are seriously doing this...again.

This time we will be gone 30 days. May 31-June 29. The trip needs to be a bit shorter than 2016 because, well, this thing called high school has made a grand entrance into our lives. Grace will be a very active sophomore this coming school year, so the summer is packed with camps, training, and activities.

This time we are headed east. Here are a few highlights of this trip:

  • Mammoth Cave National Park
  • Smokey Mountains National Park
  • Shenandoah National Park
  • Washington DC
  • New York, NY
  • Boston, MA
  • Acadia National Park
  • Montreal, Canada
  • Niagra Falls, Canada

Once again, we will blog each day. This blog has two purposes:
  1. It keeps our family and friends up to date on our travels. 
  2. We use a site called Blog2Print to print the pages of the blog at the end of the vacation into a hardback book. This becomes our "scrapbook" for the vacation. It ensures we don’t forget the fun little day to day details of a trip this long once we get home. Below are some pictures of our 2016 trip. 
8x10 hardback book with dust cover
Linen cover
The table of contents is 4 pages long!
322 pages!!!

We have a lot to do in the next two weeks! 

Sanity will likely be a complete loss...

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