Sunday, June 19, 2016

Day 10 - Amazing Arches!

Sunday, June 19, 2016 - Fathers Day
Posted from: Moab, CO
Miles driven: 161
Total trip miles: 1936
Total national parks visited: 5

The secret to Arches National Park is early arrival. Three reasons: 1) avoid crowds, 2) lighting is georgeous, 3) avoid heat. The high was 104 today. We drove through the gates at 6:00 am. We were alone. Completely. There was no one else at Balanced Rock. We were the second people in the Windows arches parking lot. And the sunlight...I cannot describe it and the pictures don't do it justice. Let me just say that any amazing picture you have seen of Arches was not Photoshopped. And the temperature was in the 60's. 

Before we got to the park we had to get ready for the day. This is how Caleb gets read for his day. His shorts are kept in the upper cabinet because they don't fit in the lower drawers. Short people are resourceful. 

We took over holding up the Balanced Rock until the next group came along. 

We were all standing on this ledge. I looked down and thought this looked like a fun picture. 

North Window arch (notice the lack of people)

The kids celebrating at the top of North Window

Matt at North Window. You can really see the light change in the last 3 pictures.

With no crowds, we were able to take a few family shots using the camera timer.

Double arches was just awe inspiring the closer you got. It was quiet and peaceful. There are people I this picture which gives an idea of the size. 

The camera man passed out again. I really hope we aren't paying him much.

The result of his hard work:

Us again.

Cameron found the most comfy spot to enjoy the Double Arch. He is so good at that.

We found a nice shady picnic spot to finish our Junior Ranger books and have a snack. By the time we left people were showing up, but the shade was mostly gone. 

And finally, on our way out of the park, the kids stopped to be sworn in as Junior Rangers. Arches and Canyonlands have an agreement where they will both do both parks, so here they are earning their badges for both. This lady was really thorough and really nice to talk to. She really took her time with the kids. I like how all of the park rangers seem to take this seriously and really take their time and look through the books and ask/answer questions. This lady became a volunteer ranger during her retirement because it was a lifetime dream of hers to become a ranger at Arches. 

We left the park at 11:00 just as the temp reached 90. It was in the 70's most of the time we were walking around, but it heats up quick!

We were in the pool by 1:00. It felt so good. We chilled out, grocery shopped (the store was next door), and the kids watched a movie in the camper. 

Dad wanted to go to a brewery across the street. Since it was Fathers Day, we said okay. He is a pretty good dad after all. And a good captain for our trip!!

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