Thursday, May 12, 2016

30 days! (Not that we're counting)

Truth: Planning a 2 month trip takes a lot of time....and leaves very little time for blogging about it.

What we have been up to since November/December:
  • November: Bought a 2013 30ft RV trailer (ahh!)
  • December: Researched and laid out a calendar of where we will be and when.
  • Early January - May: Worked on reserving campsites
  • March - April: Prepared the camper for the trip
  • April: Went on our first camping trip with the camper (trial run close to home) 
  • May: Leaving for our second camping trip two hours away this weekend (getting used to pulling the camper a longer distance)
Other things that we needed (or will need) to address due to the length of our trip...This is not sexy stuff folks. It is just a very practical list of things to remember.
  • Set up bills on auto recurring payments (not all of them were set up this way...I know, we live in the dark ages.) 
  • Find a sitter for my son's little pet corn snake (Maisey cannot come along)
  • Stop mail for 30 days....then stop again for another 30 days. Find someone to pick up the mail after the first 30 days. 
  • Wrap up projects at work. Yikes!
  • Hire someone to mow the lawn (and pray for a drought so they don't have to mow much),
  • Fill prescriptions (we only have one among the 5 of us, but still...)
  • Make sure the kids have enough underwear for 2 weeks. Hey, I'm on vacation, so I make no promises on the frequency of "feeling" like doing laundry. We will be lucky if the mood strikes and a laundry facility is available at the same time. Welcome to camping life!
  • Eat all of the food in the house. OY!  (Okay, not all, but the perishables at least.)
  • Buy a new swimsuit (mom)....Double OY! And can I point out the conflict with the item above?? Good grief, I am plotting against myself.
  • Clean the house. Who wants to come home to a mess after being gone for two months?
  • As we are walking out the door: Turn off water; re-program the thermostat
  • And about one hundred other little details that I may or may not remember until we get halfway across Nebraska. Doh! 
It's getting close and we are getting very excited!!

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